Thursday, August 28, 2008

I week old and keeping warm in the brooder

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Olive and Popeye the neighbour gnomes

This is the first of my Blogs, sitting here thinking what to write about, I thought I would show a few pictures from our home, but firstly explain something about ourselves. We live in the Adelaide hills, neighbours to the Mad Gnomes (across the road)
Popeye LOVES to grow and eat spinach. When he plants spinach he is not content to have only a few plants, but sows rows and rows of it. I then have to do something with it, so needless to say we have plenty of frozen spinach, enough to last until the following year. That is why I have given him the alias of Popeye and of course I shall be known as Olive because Olive Oyl being Popeye's partner.
Yesterday the Veggie Gnome came for a visit and instructed this old Olive Oyl how to access and edit her Blog, I can now write with a little more confidence.
Having posted the week old chicks pictures, I shall now show something about what is happening in MY garden.