Sunday, December 26, 2010

Part 1 Before the dinner.........

.......they all looked like this, bright eyed and bushy This is my daughter Julie-Anne.
David and Lauren playing silly buggars with the fruit while Angela looks on. Three of my beautiful Grandchildren.

This is what the table looked like....before we all sat down to an extremly satisfying meal.

Last, but not least the HUGE Christmas pudding.......made by ME. There wasn't any holly for the top, had to settle on a sprig of mint.
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Part 2. After the dinner.......

.......this is what it looked like ! Bodies laying everywhere, tummies full of food. Grandson Matt sound asleep on the floor while his 2 Children, Abby and Sam build lego spaceships and burger outlets. lol
Popeye (aka Willi) eating his pudding. Grand-daughter Lauren sleeping on the couch, too tired......
......while Lauren's brother David (my grand-son) has found a place to crash out on the other couch. Could only catch a glimpse of camera shy Angela sitting at the other end.
Sleepy head Lauren, crashed out at the table before she collapsed on the couch while Julie-Anne (daughter & Lauren and David's Mum) ponders over what she will do will all of the left over food. A GREAT DAY, Enjoyed by All. Thank you Julie for arranging it.
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Monday, December 13, 2010


The common name for this spectacular plant is why would anyone give such an unflattering name to such a pretty flower?
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