Sunday, August 28, 2011

Small things.......

..........amuse small minds, or so they say. A year or so ago I posted an article on some interesting buildings around the district, here is an up-date on one of them.


The old shed that was ALMOST fallind down, one more puff of wind DID eventually bring her down. The only thing holding her up now is the items being "stored" inside (lol)


Poor old shed, I've been watching and waiting for nearly 25 years to see if any one would come to her rescue. R.I.P.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First signs of Spring

The first signs of Spring is the early bulbs start to flower. The purple amenomes are very pretty.


The problem with taking pictures of flowers is, the breeze keeps the heads bobbing around so its hard to get a shot in focus. This is a group of jonquils growing on the driveway.


The little snowdrops are so dainty.



Last but not least, I've almost left it too late for the almond blossom. We doint get to harvest many almonds because the parrots get them before they ripen. Oh well....every one has to eat, I suppose.


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