Today..the weather is PERFECT. The sun is warm, the bees are buzzing and the seeds are popping their heads through the soil.
This is my favourite iris, I know I've posted this one before but I just love it !!
New to my garden is this purple Pacific Coast iris, isn't she lovely? Do you get the impression that my favourite colour is purple? Well just to trick you here is another the wonderful plants growing in my garden. (I wont bore you with my veggies, but they are doing well too [lol])
This is Echium "Tower of Jewels" 2 metres high. I couldn't put a stake in to support her because she is right on top of the water pipe supplying water to the house. I've done that before and it wasn't a happy household, so I tied her in the middle to the shrub behind.
And just to show that I meant it when I said the bees are buzzing, here is a close up of the flowers.
Don't you think its a beautiful sight?