The tomato plants
My rhubarb seems as if its about to flower, any suggestions ? Maybe I should cut it off ? This plant, I thought was dead, then suddenly it started to shoot new growth, so perhaps it is flowering because it too, thought it was about to die. Some sort of survival technique ?
Jaygee, cut off the flower from the rhubarb. It will take the energy away from the stalk that is needed to
make the plant strong.
Good looking plant!
I would cut off the flower. You don't want the plant to spend any energy on growing the flower.
Hmm... maybe start the tomatoes inside first (near the lovely warm fire) and when they are starting to turn into teenagers you can put them into your cold frame. :)
Thankyou both, Elizabeth and Veggie Gnome, for your advice, I'm on the way, right now with the secateurs, to cut it off.
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