Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh, what a day.............. come into the world !! The pictures are a bit dark because I had to move the new baby alpaca out of the intense sunshine . They are an inquisitive lot, here the other mothers-in-waiting are welcoming Adonis's new baby boy.
A close up shot of baby, as yet un-named, any suggestions ? We are up to "F" and it should be a name from ancient history or the Bible
Mother, so proud but with a very sunken in belly. Baby about 20 minutes old at this stage, has not stood up as yet.
Its an extremely hot day, over 40C. very windy, blowing dust. I'm almost envious of the snow and rain they are getting in the Northern Hemisphere. A cool change has been forecast for later today, I've got my fingers crossed.
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1 comment:

Mickle in NZ said...

Hope Sunday is cooler for you. The reports deom Vistoria we received this morning are just heart breaking.

Now for the new wee lad, I've been hunting through my classical dictionary. Here's a selection:

Flavius, Flamininus, Florianus, Favonius, Fabius or maybe the Italian version of Florence- Firenze. Hope babe and Mother are doing okay.