Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The reason for our trip.........

......to Darwin was the marriage of our grandson to the beautiful Sarah. A lovely day, warm in the tropics, quite different to the cold winter that we left in the south. Here is a picture with the bride, groom and other members of my family. From left, my daughter Julie-Anne, my son (and father oh the groom) Tony, his wife Jen, bride Sarah and groom Stephen, his brother Ben, myself and Willi (aka for the purposes of this blog, Popeye)

Cutting the cake. decorated with 2 small penguins made with beads, one with a veil the other a bow tie.

Julie-Anne standing at the viewing platform with the city of Darwin in the background.
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1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi Olive. Welcome home and congratulations to the happy couple. So long since I have read any blogs...I have a lot of catching up to do :-) We have just arrived home from a trip to SA....visiting all the wine regions except the Clare region. We also managed three days on Kangaroo island. What a beautiful state....ooooh and the food...what to say !!!!! I thought of you often while I was there, little did I know that you were up north. Again...welcome home. Now to read your older posts...so long for now.