Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Its surprising what you find when you clear an overgrown garden


Look what popped its head out of the undergrowth. These pretty daffodils haven't been seen for quite a few years and lo and behold, 12 beautiful soft apricot shaded flowers said "thank you" Unfortunately the wind and rain has all but destroyed the blooms and this was the only flower head remaining without too much damage.

Prime of Madiera, Echium, it always puts on a great show and hasn't disappointed again this season. The honey eating birds enjoy a drink of its nectar.

Last, but not least the dainty little flowers on this shrub (cant think of its name, but I will remember it as soon as I hit the "publish post button") lol
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Olive said...

Diosma !!

Aimee said...

Hi Olive, here is Hope, who wants to say something!

Your garden is really pretty, Olive. I don't think I could grow a garden that pretty and here is it early fall but over there it is early spring, do you know why that's happening?

(MOM here: I will explain it to her)

Is your calf okay? he is really cute! We got new pigs and we also got a new goat. Hope you read the next episode of the Hopesicle Life!

Again, what a pretty garden!

Olive said...

Thank you Hope, but I only show the pretty bits on blogger, not the weeds !! There are plenty of them.

Charlie the calf is growing very quickly and has decided that he wants to be with all the other cows and does not want any more milk. He has 5 little friends to play with all day.

I saw on Mom's blog that you now have 2 pigs and a gorgeous little goat.

I look every day to see if you have written the next episode of Hopesicle's Life.

Again, thank you.